Family Law Negotiation

Vaughan Family Negotiation Lawyers
Negotiation is an art. It is essential to family law dispute resolution and it is necessary in every process. Effective communication and persuasion is required in litigation, mediation, arbitration, collaborative law, and in lawyer-to-lawyer dealings.
At Bortolussi Family Law, we use our well-honed skills to get your message across in the context of assisting you to get your family law issues resolved by agreement or determined by a court in a fair and satisfactory way.
Negotiation is required from the moment you contact us. Our clear and expert communication skills are utilized from the first conversation with one of our lawyers. We strive to de-mystify the very complicated area of family and divorce law as it applies to your situation so that you can make informed decisions about your own situation.
Our lawyers conduct family law negotiations in a timely, proactive manner with integrity, clarity, and always on your informed instructions. We keep you apprised every step of the way. You are an integral part of the negotiation whether you choose to be in the background or directly involved.
We strive to ensure that we get the whole picture and to understand what you are looking for. What you seek may or may not be what most people want. Your particular needs and interests are important to us. Your goals in resolving your family law issues are important and the process of getting to that end is just as important. Strategic decisions are then made about negotiating with the other side.
Written Offers to Settle & the Potential Effect on Litigation Costs
Once negotiations have reached a point where the parties are nearing an agreement, or if negotiations have stalled, one party can extend a written offer to settle the matter according to certain terms. While the contents of the offer can be protected in the event that the issue eventually goes to litigation, a written offer to settle can have a significant impact on the costs awarded in future litigation. For example, if the payee extends a settlement offer containing a certain amount for spousal support, a judge will not consider this offer when ultimately deciding on the support award. This protects the offeree from worrying they may be limiting their entitlement to support if the matter eventually goes to court.
However, once the order has been made, a judge may consider any previous offers when considering their costs award. If the payee rejected a reasonable offer for spousal support, requiring the parties to eventually litigate the issue, the judge may order that spouse to pay some of the other party’s costs. This is done to encourage parties to accept reasonable offers and avoid using courts to oversee matters that could be resolved otherwise between the parties.
Contact Bortolussi Family Law in Vaughan for Representation in Family Law Negotiation
At Bortolussi Family Law, our divorce lawyers are dedicated to ensuring every client makes the best choice when it comes to their dispute resolution process. Whether you are attempting to resolve matters through negotiation alone, or as part of a larger dispute resolution process, we will guide you through the process and advocate for your rights each step of the way. No matter how complex your matter, our team has the experience to achieve an optimal result in your case. To discuss your circumstances and learn about the options available to you, please reach out to us online or by phone at 416-987-3300.